ambitious about autism
Post-16 education report

ambitious about autism
Post-16 education report
Ambitious about Autism is a national charity for children and young people with autism. They raise awareness and understanding, and campaign for change as well provide specialist education and support through TreeHouse School, The Rise School and Ambitious College.
The Post-16 Report Project was a collaboration between Ambitious about Autism and UCL CRAE.
The report and accompanying webinar were initially scheduled for launch in December 2020. Unfortunately, the project was paused.
The aim was to create a less formal report tailored for an audience of autistic young people and their parents. The report combined research findings with insights gained from conducting the research, resulting in an accessible and visually engaging resource designed for non-academic readers.
The deliverables included a digital report, digital assets, social media posts, webpage banners, email banners, and a PowerPoint presentation.

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